At English Martyrs, the safety of all children is paramount.
Ensuring the children are safe, happy and learning is the core of what we are about.
Keeping children safe includes online, from peer to peer abuse/bullying and issues within school to concerns they may raise outside school.
The safeguarding governor’s committee meets termly to review Safeguarding policies, procedures and receive reports from the DSL team.
Key Contacts
Designated Safeguard Team
Michelle Bowden
Lead Learning Mentor
Deputy Designated Safeguard Lead
The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) within school is Mr Dinsdale (Headteacher).
The deputy DSL’s are Mrs Jasper (Deputy Head) and Mrs Bowden Learning Mentor.
The Safeguarding governor is Mrs Coxon (Chair of Governors).
If you ever have a concern regarding your child or another child within school, you can arrange to meet with one of the DSLs if you feel that it is a Child Protection concern.
Our Safeguarding Policies
Useful Links
Sefton LSCB website – https://seftonscp.org.uk/scp
Sefton Council website – https://www.sefton.gov.uk/childrens-services/
Childnet – https://www.childnet.com/
NSPCC – https://www.nspcc.org.uk/
Think U Know – https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/