Our Goal
At English Martyrs, our Spanish curriculum aims to instill a love of language learning and an appreciation for other cultures. It is designed to provide all pupils, regardless of background or ability, with the knowledge needed for further language study and opportunities abroad. Our curriculum builds a foundation for learning multiple languages by focusing on phonics, vocabulary, and grammar, and developing listening, reading, speaking, and writing skills. Project-based learning in the summer term enhances engagement, teamwork, and practical application of skills.
How we teach Spanish
Our Spanish curriculum provides opportunities for practical communication in both written and spoken Spanish. Pupils first build confidence in speaking and listening, then progress to more complex reading and writing. The curriculum revisits key skills, grammar, and vocabulary with increasing complexity, allowing for continuous learning. Lessons include independent tasks, group work, role-play, language games, and grammar exercises. Cross-curricular links enhance connections with other subjects. The curriculum incorporates numeracy, literacy, and oracy, and is delivered by a fluent Spanish specialist (Helen Murphy).
Our curriculum is designed to meet National Curriculum end of Key Stage 2 targets. Frequent assessments help identify learning gaps and inform future teaching. Pupils evaluate their own and peers' performance, track progress, and receive feedback. Teachers use a centralised spreadsheet to log core skills and monitor progress. Assessment strategies include quizzes, interactive activities, and work in pupil books. By the end of primary school, pupils will:
- Engage in purposeful dialogue and express opinions.
- Read unfamiliar words and short texts accurately.
- Speak and read aloud with confidence and correct pronunciation.
- Understand spoken language and respond appropriately.
- Use a bilingual dictionary to aid learning.
- Identify word classes and apply grammatical rules.
- Recognize and use cognates and language detective skills.
- Construct short texts on familiar topics.
- Appreciate the wider world and the importance of language learning for cross-cultural understanding.